
Canvas @ Sony 2009

Sonyビルの前を通ったら、もの凄くインパクトのあるビジュアルが飛び込んできたのでメモ。 宮島亜希さんの作品


モーモーミルクロール その時はスルーしたけど、買っとけば良かったかな。 大道芸人 矢部亮さんという、ディアボロの世界チャンピョンの人がパフォーマンスしてた。 「世界チャンピョンがなんで!?」って思ったら、何でも、近くのシルクドソレイユに出演し…

新しいiPod nano Video撮影 Genius Mix FMラジオ+ライブポーズ 万歩計(フィットネス) 個人的にはVideoよりもラジオの方が欲しい。 フィットネスはNike + iPod Sport Kitを繋げる。iphone 3GはSport Kitを繋げないので、羨ましなー。

DREAMに高田統括本部長復活!? その昔、小沢一郎は「担ぐ御輿は軽くてパーがいい」






Today is nothing to do.

Holiday work

The last Thursday and Friday, since I went to drink with coworker from US, I got a little bit behind schedule for my work, so today, I went to office to holiday work. I planned that after working I go to gym but in Sunday the gym is opened…

Abort tennis

Every Saturday, I went to tennis lesson but this week tennis is aborted due to renovate the court.

Drinking & Karaoke

I went to eat Okonomiyaki and Karaoke with coworker from US sinse today is the last day him.


I went to drink with cowokers from US. Tomorrow, I will go to karaoke with them.

Without working

I went to go to gym after working. I think it became on a regular basis. I'm too busy, so to make time to go there is a little bit hard but to do it is necessary to work with seizing the point. I don't usually think to seize the point. I t…

Federer won

Federer won to Roddick in Wimbledon. He updated the record of victory for Grand Slam to 15 times. He and Roddick match will become history for tennis.


I went to go to gym in this morning with my girlfriend. And afternoon, I went to go to my friend house to make a graphic design. We took time for 5 hours to make its design and after finishing it, ate dinner in Chinese restaurant together.…


I went to Shibuya today. The main purpose was to go to a tennis shop with my girlfriend in order to collect her tennis bag as a prize. The tennis shop dealt with a lot of goods and especially I interested in tennis shoes since there were a…

In future

Today, I was writing email during whole working time. Actually, my work was progressed but in these days, I'm not assigned to any graphic work. It is not good situation. It is OK now but after 5 years later, I might not have any job I want…


I discussed with my coworkers about domestic depression in lunch time. One of coworker said that some of major company cut off overtime payment. If my company do it, our life is changed at 180-degree. Another coworker also said that the do…


I'm too tired to do anything since I went to gymnasium after working. Even if I did not go to gym, I feel to get tired, so I don't almost study English in this week. I need to turn over a new leaf.

Reduce cigarette

I plan to reduce cigarettes. I usually smoke 6 during working time, so I will reduce it to 5! You might think it is no effect for me, but it is really difficult thing for me. I will start it at tomorrow. The good point of smoking is that i…


Since I need savings, I will reduce my allowance 80000yen to 50000yen. But it is a little bit hard for me. I would like to go to eat out out in lunch time with my coworker every day but lunch is around 1000yen, so if my allowance is reduce…


I went to eat oily ramen to Hirai. Since I went to gymnasium before, I was so hungry, so I thought I can eat it completely. But I can not do it. I felt my age.

Paid Seminar 2

I don't know why they release their knowledge of import bussines. If it really makes money, they are no need to release it. I think it is better to have competetor more little. So I think there is a risk hidden by them.

Paid Seminar

I'm considering to attend a paid seminar. It is about buying import item from abroad. Its sales point is that you can buy famous brand item more cheaply and your English is improved since you will buy them from abroad. I interest in this s…


I ordered English textbook from website below. JUMP START LEARNING http://www.1019.info It is a little bit expensive for me but currently I have no way to increase to my English. Of course, I study English almost every day but I'm not sure…


イチロー語録を翻訳してみた。 なるべくシンプルに、知っている単語を使って表現することがテーマ。 『小さいことを積み重ねるのが、とんでもないところへ行くただひとつの道だと思っています』 The only way to get great skill is to do daily routine per…


I went to gymnasium with my coworker. The main purpose is to play squash but usually we need to wait for 2 hours to use its court, so we moved to other floor and excised. Basically I ran on the machine for 30 min and also ran on the other …

Wimbledon, Opening Match

I can see Wimbledon tennis via NHK. I thought it is only Wowow so I was so wondering to see. The match I saw was the opening match. Usually opening much is played by the previous winner, in this year Nadal. But he missed Wimbledon due to h…

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

I think it is great VFX movie, especially Autobot's modeling and behavior (transform). Its battle sequence is so exciting for me. Its screen time is too long, it's over 2 hours, but there are several big scenes of battle by a lot of types …

Tennis lesson

Today, I'm too tired to do anything. So I continuously sleep until 6 pm. But I have a schedule to go to tennis school from 8 pm. It avoid to sleep whole day. To go to tennis lesson is not only playing tennis but also it leads me to good be…


In lunch time, I asked my English native coworker to review my past entries. He said it is almost OK and I understood what you write. It is delightful for me. So I would like to write longer sentence but I'm not sure what I would like to w…